5-Level Leadership by Jim Collin

Leadership makes an organization distinct from a good company to a great one. Collin states in his research that among more than 1400 organizations only 11 companies posed great leadership. In his findings, Collin developed 5 leadership in his book “Good to Great.” Collins claims that successful leaders have five essential traits which illustrate in 5 hierarchies. This model tells us about placing people over their own will or personal ambitions.

Level 1: Highly Capable Individual means a talented individual with distinct skill knowledge which are useful to be applied to the company. These individuals are an asset to any organization, as they are able to complete tasks efficiently and to a high standard. Their competence and expertise set them apart from their peers and make them an important part.

Level 2. The contributing team member. It means an individual who always helps and supports each other to achieve a common goal.

Level 3. Competent Manager. It means an individual who can conduct competent management.

Level 4. Effective leader. It means they can use effective resources to help the subordinate to reach their goal and always motivate them.

Level 5. The Executive. It means individuals poses great leadership. A great combination of professional will, and personal humility is seen at this level. One must possess a profound sense of personal humility, which includes placing the needs of the organization and its members ahead of one’s own.

Professional will means:

  1. Always completing the tasks no matter how difficult they are
  2. Always care for other work’s task and give proper credit rather than own ambitions
  3. Able to produce high-quality performance for company
  4. Be responsible for task

Personal humility means:

  1. Never bragged over personal achievement to get people attention and respect.
  2. Stay persistent with steady reaction
  3. Use personal charisma to inspire
  4. placing the company goal ahead over personal achievement by using own personal goal
  5. When anything goes wrong, personal reflection is ahead rather than blaming other people or external

Now the question may arise is how to cultivate the 5 level leaders skills? Actually we can follow what Dr Jamilla suggested in her lecturer’s note:

  1. We must develop humility since this is the most essential thing in this 5-level leadership. We must understand the wisdom of it like prioritizing the people’s goal or rather than own ego, and understand the concept of being humble, not arrogant. Always put the proper credit of any achievement made by the team and don’t forget to appreciate their hard work. Lastly,  it be responsible or any activities that occur in the organization even the outcome is not correct
  2. Don’t hesitate to ask for support/help to our followers or subordinate. Some people says that when a boss ask an help to his/her subordinate, it will make him/her weak. This statement is a fallacy since we are ordinary humans with limited capacity. By including other hand to solve our problem, we can have room for learning and it is a good for being a leader
  3. Being responsible means taking into account what teams do for completing the task whether it turns out good or bad. To minimize failure, the leader may conduct a quality appraisal to maintain great performance.
  4. There is nothing more valuable than being disciplined in everything. Always do in schedule, set a definite role and responsibility, and create punishment and reward criteria effectively. When the rules are already established then they should be followed. Even some opposite team is against the rule, we must convince them in the right way.
  5. Leadership means working in a group. The quality of the team can predict the success of an organization. A task can be successfully completed by the right person with the right skills. Then it is urgently said that getting the right people is an important thing in an organization.
  6. Leader with passion can affect the team. They don’t hesitate to show their energy, the spirit to their follower. They convince and persuade what they believe to their follower. If the leader has full confidence, the follower can feel the spirit and energy which are good for completing the routine.

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