It is widely acknowledged that communication plays a crucial role in business success. Project managers, for instance, spend a significant portion of their time communicating with stakeholders which is almost 90% of their activities (PMI, 2017). Scholars also agree that effective communication fosters mutual trust and strengthens relationships between parties. But have you ever had miscommunication in your daily life?

communication model (Shannon Weaver, 1948)

let’s take a look the communication model by Shannon and Waver (1948). the communication model by Shannon and Weaver is still applicable today. It emphasizes the importance of both the sender and receiver in the communication process. The model includes a sender who encodes a message and sends it through a channel to a receiver who decodes the message. It also takes into account potential noise or interference that may affect the message. Do you know noise? a noise is unwanted condition that may interfere your communication. According to Rothwell (2004), there are 4 types of noise:

Rothwell (2004) identified four types of noise that can disrupt communication: physiological noise which is related to physiological factors such as hearing loss, psychological noise which is related to mental or emotional factors such as stress, physical noise which is related to external factors such as loud noises, and semantic noise which is related to differences in language or meaning.

the wisdom that may take account is sender should be responsible in transmitting the message while communicating. At the same time, the receiver should maintain the communication by fostering an active listening and also give the feedback or response. The response that will probably be suitable to give to the sender is making paraphrase or sender can also ask the receiver to restate again what words have been said. Now, plan your message so you can minimize the misunderstanding by following these steps:

  1. plan your message, is the message, ok? is it contain a gossip? is it relevant to be given? so let’s think twice before you make a communication.
  2. to whom your message will be delivered? Now, you have to choose wisely the communication channel whether verbally, written, formal, informal everything has a risk of losing the message.
  3. how to transmit your message? by identifying this you will choose a media that has little noise
  4. when you give the message? it’s about time manners, it’s okay to make a conversation during office hour only or by using some appoinments.
  5. where will you give the message? so you can place the perfect location which has low noise.

There can be various factors that contribute to inhibit the communication, including differences in cultural background, lack of understanding or knowledge on the part of the receiver (ignorant), or a fear of offending the sender by pointing out misunderstandings. Perhaps these kinds of factors can be happened in our daily life so no wonder a misunderstood may common if the factors still circular in our activities.

feedback is very important in communication. Providing clear and concise feedback is crucial in effective communication. First, we can give the entire message and then follow up by asking if the receiver has any questions. This approach ensures that the message is understood, and any potential confusion can be addressed. Hence to conduct an effective communication you can follow these tips: actively listening to your communication partner, see and listen what they are being said and give the proper feedback at the end or at conversation which is no clear. At this time, you can do paraphrase by restate the meaning. Don’t forget to mention that you are understand enough to receiver. This will make the communication is clear for both party.

Coaching is a process where a someone which has high level/position helps a person or group of people, usually in lower level to achieve specific goals or develop particular skills through guidance, support, and feedback. In a professional setting, coaching can also aid in sharing knowledge and maintaining a competitive edge in organization. The aims of coaching include enhancing performance, maintaining/increasing motivation and giving feedback to the mentee.

To get a successful coaching, there are some principles need to fully attention including:

  1. Supportive Working Relationship, we must build harmony relationship with borderless gap so it can boost the trust. Mentee can ask everything without further do.
  2. Praise & Recognition: if mentee achieve one accomplishment don’t forget to give them praise. if we lack of giving it, we may lose the goal, and decrease his/her the motivation.
  3. Avoid Blame & Embarrassment: sometimes unwanted condition or problem may appear. instead of blaming and embarrassed our mentee, we can do more professional like set ground rule, and use more collaborative way when conflict arise.
  4. Focus on Behavior and Not Person: when problem arise, we must focus on the behavior to be fixed not the personal things because it may inhibit the purpose of coaching
  5. Employees Assess Their Own Performance
  6. Specific & Descriptive Feedback. to give the proper feedback, we need to give more specific feedback so the mentee will know which aspects need to be improved
  7. Coaching Feedback
  8. Provide Modeling & Training. We can try to apply Job Instructional Training (JIT) model when we have coaching session
  9. Timely & Flexible Feedback. Give feedback as soon after behavior has been observed
  10. Avoid Criticism

JIT or Job Instructional Training is believed an effective structured training method that aims to teach employees how to perform a task correctly, safely, and efficiently. Sometimes, JIT is often used in manufacturing and industrial settings since it require machine familiarity which specific skills but can be applied to any job too. there are 4 steps to conduct JIT:

The Job Instructional Training (JIT) involves four steps: preparing the trainee and explaining the purpose of the training, teaching the job desk and having the trainee perform the task while correcting mistakes, having the trainee perform the task in real-life while correcting mistakes, and evaluating and monitoring progress to correct any wrong behavior.

Now what we do if our employee performs below the target or standard? sometime is confusing to adhere this because we may think our critic may hurt their heart but we don’t want their performance as the things we give up. When addressing an employee with low target performance, it’s important to provide constructive feedback and support to help them improve. Start by acknowledging their efforts and identifying specific areas where they can improve. But how to talk to them? ok, let try to follow these tips to reduce conflict of interest:

  1. Explain their performance so far and give examples of where they need to improve.
  2. Explain the performance you expect from them and what they need to do to meet those expectations.
  3. Ask them to commit to making the necessary changes and work together to create a plan for follow-up and support. When we talk to the employee, be sure to focus on improvement and show empathy rather than criticism. Remember, focus on behavior not a person right?

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