Tugas Manpro

Jawablah soal-soal manpro berikut dibawah ini, dukumpulkan hari Senin, 4 April  2015 saat perkuliahan berlangsung

1. The following table gives information on a project (T in days, C in $1000s).


a. Draw the network diagram. Under normal conditions, what is the earliest the
project can be completed? What is the direct cost? What is the critical path?
b. What is the cost of the project if it is completed 1 day earlier, and 2 days earlier?
c. What is the earliest the project can be completed? What is the lowest cost for
completing it in this time?
d. If overhead (indirect) costs are $20,000 per day, for what project duration are
total project costs (direct + indirect) lowest?


2. Given the immediate predecessors and a, m, b for each activity in the tables
below, compute:
a. te and V for each activity
b. ES, EF, LS, and LF for each activity.
c. Te and Vp for the project.


d. Refer to the fi rst network in the above problem, What is P(Te < 23)? and What is P(Te < 32)?


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