Dynamic Leadership Class (own words)

Alhamdulillah I just finished this class with amazing experience during the semester. The topics that I found most interesting are ALL OF THEM to be honest, I enjoyed the way Dr Jamila explained to us, with some QnA, and leadership test. I would say I learned so many skills that I have developed throughout the course, for example how to become great leader, great follower and communicator. It feels like whenever I would become the leader I never forget this course because all the material is so handy and easy to digest. Additionally, I see no challenges that I faced in this semester, the way Dr Jamila taught us was really well and sincere and I love to hear when she said “Dear” to all students. It’s so sweet, genuine and it just come to my mind that I would love to apply it in my class also. Finally, I would like to express gratitude for the opportunity to take the course and the knowledge that I already gained from this class. Thank you soo much Dr Jamila, hope I can meet you in person, you are such inspirational motivator not just a teacher. Thank you for your dedication to build great e-learning, so it helps us so much, thank you for your guidance, support and make us valued. May Allah SWT put you in Jannah, and give abundant rizqi and blessing.

For my class reflections starts from week 9-14, you may found through this link:

  1. Week 9: Communication.. COMMUNICATION, COACHING AND CONFLICT SKILLS – Devi Pratami (telkomuniversity.ac.id)
  2. Week 10: The Leader Follower.. Dyadic Relationship, Followership and Delegation – Devi Pratami (telkomuniversity.ac.id)
  3. Self-Managed Team (SMT) – Devi Pratami (telkomuniversity.ac.id)
  4. Week 11: Webinar talkk by expert Woman in Leadership – Devi Pratami (telkomuniversity.ac.id)
  5. Week 12:  Team Leadership ( no class) Team, group, and Leadership – Devi Pratami (telkomuniversity.ac.id)
  6. Week 13: Transformational Leadership: Transformational Leadership: Definition and Dimension – Devi Pratami (telkomuniversity.ac.id), Transformational Leadership (Part 2) – Devi Pratami (telkomuniversity.ac.id)
  7. Week 14: the 5 Leadership: 5 Leadership by Jim Collin – Devi Pratami (telkomuniversity.ac.id)
  8. personal data: Profile – Devi Pratami (telkomuniversity.ac.id)
  9. short talk about Contingency Theory: Contingency Leadership Theories can be applied among  21st Century leader – Devi Pratami (telkomuniversity.ac.id), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddDCr5xr_LE

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